the redistricting problem

The die of political power in the United States is often cast long before voters march to the polls to fulfill their democratic responsibility to vote in free and fair elections. Gerrymandering - the intentional manipulation of district borders to discriminate against a group of voters on the basis of their political views or race - renders the popular vote irrelevant, allowing partisan legislators to determine the political power structure of their states for the next ten years, after which redistricting occurs.


out of sight, out of mind

Despite their significance in determining how power is distributed across the country, district borders imagined in the darkened hallways of state government buildings do not hold the attention of regular citizens. These borders are essentially invisible, and are of little perceptible consequence in day-to- day life.

It is precisely their intangibility that empowers their existence, quietly determining the political future of an entire country and meeting little resistance.

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introducing Cracked Maps

Cracked Maps is a conceptual navigation app that snaps your route to the convoluted district boundaries determining the weight of your political voice.

By creating an interruption in daily life along these previously invisible borders, users are forced to reckon with the gerrymandered maps that legislators use to ensure their party’s political future.


Read more about Gerrymandering HERE.

Watch a video about Gerrymandering HERE.

Find out who your state legislators are and contact them HERE.

project team

Ezgi Balkanay
Emily Fiedler
Jake Heffington